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ProofreadingPal Blog

Read Before You Write (Part II)

But no, I get it, really. You are busy. Welcome to the twenty-first century, in…

Read Before You Write (Part I)

Writing is easy. Writing well is not. Otherwise, we would all be signing seven-figure deals…

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Knowing What to Look For

Effective writing is not so esoteric as to be beyond description. There are many elements…

Livestock Judging and You

Most skills are learned largely through imitation. It’s common sense that if we want to…

How Writers and Proofreaders Can Live in Peace

When Alexander Pope (1688-1744) warned, “A little learning is a dangerous thing,” he was, among…

Creating a Memorable Résumé

At ProofreadingPal, we see dozens of résumés a month. While some are pretty sharp, most…

Proofreading Carefully

The Unexamined Page

As a proofreader at ProofreadingPal, I see a lot of otherwise well-written documents with some…

How to Let Them Know Who You Are

How to let them know who you are in your personal statement.

The Nuts and Bolts of APA In-text Citations and References

Referencing authors of sources within the main text, within the parenthetical citations themselves, and on…

What to Say and How to Say It

So what should you say in your admissions essay and how should you say it?…

Brian Kaldenberg

Making a Mark in Proofreading World

ProofreadingPal was recently covered in the Iowa City Press Citizen newspaper.

How to Make One Essay Work for Most Prompts

Most schools follow a much less intriguing path to college application essay prompts, and that’s…

Submitting Short Fiction to Literary Magazines

So you’ve written a short story and are looking to getting it published in a…

Writers vs. Editors – Cage Fight for the Centuries

Some proofreaders and editors like to think there are rules, rigid rules, rules that transcend…

Strunk and White are Still Dead or How Writers Can Stay Alive

There are some rules of English grammar that are, and probably will remain, nearly absolute.…

Strunk and White are Dead

I admit it. I used to teach grammar. But it wasn’t my fault. I was…

How to Address the Prompt and Still Tell Your Story

No, you can't ignore the prompt. If the folks on the admissions committee wanted you…

The Importance of Proofreading and Editing for Your Business Documents

Let’s face the facts: People judge you based on your appearance. When you need to…

How to Choose a Business Proofreading Service

Choosing the right business proofreading and editing service is essential. There are a lot of…

So How Do You Impress that Admissions Committee?

if you're a high school senior intent on winning admission to a selective college or…

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