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ProofreadingPal Blog

Plain Writing: Your Audience and Its Goals

The directive "write with your audience in mind” seems like no-brainer advice, but many writers…

What Makes Up Circular Arguments & Red Herrings?

There are quite a few specific types of formal and informal logical fallacy: begging the…

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Considering Biased Language in an Age of Cruelty

Expert Tips for Fact-Checking Your Writing

In this month’s post, I’ll provide tips to help you prevent false information from creeping…

Top 10 New Changes in Chicago’s 18th Ed.

The Chicago Manual of Style, the primary stylebook used at ProofreadingPal, has just released a…

False “Facts” Can Ruin Any Argument

In today’s post I will share some surprising (to me at least) revelations about truth…

Plotting Fiction: The Pulp Master Plot, Part 4

For the last few blogs, we’ve been looking at the four-and-four strategy that many twentieth-century…

How to Write an Effective Restaurant Menu

Providing your customers with their choices in a well-organized, stylish, descriptive, informative, and pleasing-to-touch (i.e.,…

Plotting Fiction: The Pulp Master Plot, Part 3

we continue our exploration of the “master plot” that helped writers of the pulp magazine…

Tips for Defining Your Terms in Academic Writing

Here are some tips about defining important terms in academic writing to best ensure your…

Plotting Fiction: The Pulp Master Plot, Part 2

Formula fiction works best when it works fast, snagging the audience’s attention immediately and pulling…

Guide to Writing an Eye-Catching Author Bio

Your author bio is the third-person “about the author” blurb on or inside a book…

Plotting Fiction: The Pulp Master Plot, Part 1

Many popular fiction genres are written to rigid specifications. By publisher mandate, every romance novel…

Become a Better Writer through Freewriting

You are not doomed to be a third-grade-quality writer. You need to unleash your writing…

2 Tips for Professional-Looking Fiction

So you want people to pay you money to read your stories? Great, but make…

What It Means to Think Like a Human

Credulous tech dweebs, though, insist on imbuing LLMs with almost supernatural qualities that they manifestly…

How to edit in collaboration.

Collaborative Editing in a Digital World

Let's talk about using computers for co-editing and co-working tools to enhance productivity.

Make Your Writing Soar with Data Analysis

Having already erroneously sold GPT as a substitute for doing research, developing a thesis, picking…

The laptop is a symbol of the Digital Age.

Effects of the Digital Age on Learning, Libraries, and Thinking

The growth of the internet from a few scientists’ pet project to everyone’s necessary tool…

Time Magazine's "The AI Arms Race Is Changing Everything"

AI: Beyond the Jubilant Buildup

Nine months into this AI revolution, the rhetoric has cooled off. Certainly, people continue to…

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