But being fluent in a language doesn’t just mean memorizing a list of idioms (hundreds…
Bad writing is everywhere, and it’s often not a lack of knowledge about the mechanics…
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Try itEditors and writers find some words particularly challenging, changing them over and over again to…
While it’s true that A work is usually superior to the work of other students…
Look up “paraphrase,” “summary,” and “précis” in the dictionary, and you’re going to find a…
A few key grammatical and spelling differences between US and UK English to remember when…
Sentences can have a lot of other things, like objects and indirect objects and dependent…
If you have been subjected to a genuine injustice that needs to be corrected, such…
In general, the active voice is much clearer, more concise, and direct: all qualities of…
It’s pretty easy to avoid second person in formal writing, so the main source of…
Clichés serve many purposes. Unfortunately, they’re all bad.
Here are some subtle ways we can add to our meaning by emphasizing words, expressions,…
People are right to be confused because what tense you should use varies widely depending…
Don’t try to memorize some list of clichés. There are thousands of them. But also…
Three common challenges non-native speakers encounter when writing in English and offer some suggestions for…
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