Implicit racism is woven into the fabric of American society. It plays a part in…
If you find yourself in the unlucky position of writing a manual or set of…
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Try itNo matter your motivation for blogging, you’ll want to make sure each post is high…
There’s no rule saying that academic articles can’t be written in muscular prose, no law…
The kinds of figurative language described in this installment are not appropriate for most academic…
You should shun discriminatory language as you should shun discrimination; doing so also allows your…
This time, let’s go way out there and look at a pair of related poetic…
The guidebooks’ prohibition on colorful language is really just a plea for clarity. Used sparingly,…
In today’s post I’ll discuss some AP basics and differences from other style guides you’ll…
Rhyme can be understated, and it comes in more flavors than you might think. Repeated…
Adding in a second (or third or eighth) subject or object or modifier doesn’t change…
The glorious and intimidating thing about the English language is its bounty of options. Whatever…
Poetry is simply a way of thinking about language, a theory that words can be…
You can write a passage of ornate prose, passive voice willy-nilly, telling without showing, and…
In this blog, we’ll dig deeper into matters of formatting in Christian publishing, paying particular…
If you’re looking to get your Christian writing published professionally, though, it’s not enough to…
even when used properly, figures of speech and idioms, what we might generally call “poetic…
Quotes from outside sources are useful and necessary in research papers. If your paper includes…
Today, seeing as artists come in all manner of genders, and not many of us…
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